Sci-Fi, Fantasy, and ChatGPT: How Snobbery Can Save Us From the Literary Robot Apocalypse Readers, critics, and editors have to demand better.
Bringing Sherlock Holmes to the 21st Century (or The Adventure of Japan Having All the Fun) The best Sherlock Holmes stories of the last two decades have come from Japan.
Someone You Can Worldbuild a Nest In: John Wiswell, Fictional Worlds, and Limitations Worldbuilding discussions in genre fiction frequently miss the point.
Interpreting the Abyss: An Ode to Christopher Manson’s MAZE The labyrinth inside an 80s puzzle book will never be solved, never die, and never let go of its victims.
Infernal Transmutation: Remembering K.J. Bishop’s The Etched City In the surreal and slipstream, ambiguity is strength.
Concerning Habits: Purpose In Fiction and How to Defy It I feel a pang when I reach the end of The Lord of the Rings because it means I must wake.
Finding Space for the “Literary” in Fantasy: A Reflection on A Woman of the Sword A trend-defying novel about the "wrong" character told the "wrong" way.