Forget Edgar Allen Poe, What About Wilkie Collins? A Tribute to the Forgotten Father of the Detective Novel With 27 novels, more than 50 short stories and 15 plays, it’s time that Collins started to get the credit he deserved.
Ritual & Responsibility: Subversion in The Wasp Factory and We Have Always Lived in the Castle There is nothing so commanding, right, or natural in the powers that be that a child cannot toss them aside.
Sadomasochism in Space: Lost Worlds of Gender Representation in 1980s Science-fiction Romance The obscure 1980s novel that unlocks the key to emotionally and psychologically sophisticated science fiction.
Tangled Fantasies: Speculative Anti-Imperialism and the Myth of Internal Resistance in S.A. Corey’s The Mercy of Gods Is modern science fiction's indulging in escapism rationalizing our own complicities?
The Death of The F*ck: Neopuritanism and Commercial Fiction How readers with presumably progressive politics are increasingly aligning with the far right on the moralization of sex.
Michel Houellebecq and the Birth of the Incel “The idea gradually dawned on me that all these people – men or women – were not in the least deranged; they were simply lacking in love.”
Building Our Own Palace of Dreams: The 1981 Novel that Envisioned the Modern Surveillance State A novel that stands above 1984 and Brave New World in prescience.
Representation and Refraction: Gender and The Triple Goddess in Neil Gaiman’s The Sandman For trans women of a certain generation, The Sandman left a lingering uneasiness.
Lore Done Right: Micaiah Johnson’s The Space Between Worlds Lore becomes more powerful when there's less of it.