Legends, Lattes, and Lament: The Necessity of Pain in “Cozy” Fiction Cozy fiction works best when contrasted against harsh emotional, material, or political realities.
Searching for the Feminine Grotesque The feminine grotesque gives a rare voice to women expressing ideas that go against social norms.
Interrogating Power and Narrative in the Cities of the Weft Trilogy An admonishment to read closely and not to fix upon plot becomes an encouragement to read as you will.
Leg Drops are Literature: Professional Wrestling Angles as Literary Narratives Wrestling is as deep as literature, steroids and steel cages notwithstanding
Shirley Jackson, Hangsaman, and the Horror of False Freedom The real tragedy is believing yourself free when freedom is impossible.
Sworn Brothers: The Connection Between Theater and Gaming Games have been adapted to film, but are they meant for theater?
Lev Grossman’s Neoliberal Hell on Earth: The True Terror Behind The Magicians Imagine if Pod Save America ran a magic school.
An Unintended Critique of Manifest Destiny in H. P. Lovecraft’s At the Mountains of Madness On dismal failure and death drives.
Claire Keegan and the Value of Waiting a Long Time for Something Short What we lose when we value production over precision.