Shirley Jackson, Hangsaman, and the Horror of False Freedom The real tragedy is believing yourself free when freedom is impossible.
Sworn Brothers: The Connection Between Theater and Gaming Games have been adapted to film, but are they meant for theater?
Lev Grossman’s Neoliberal Hell on Earth: The True Terror Behind The Magicians Imagine if Pod Save America ran a magic school.
An Unintended Critique of Manifest Destiny in H. P. Lovecraft’s At the Mountains of Madness On dismal failure and death drives.
Claire Keegan and the Value of Waiting a Long Time for Something Short What we lose when we value production over precision.
Forget Edgar Allen Poe, What About Wilkie Collins? A Tribute to the Forgotten Father of the Detective Novel With 27 novels, more than 50 short stories and 15 plays, it’s time that Collins started to get the credit he deserved.
Ritual & Responsibility: Subversion in The Wasp Factory and We Have Always Lived in the Castle There is nothing so commanding, right, or natural in the powers that be that a child cannot toss them aside.
Sadomasochism in Space: Lost Worlds of Gender Representation in 1980s Science-fiction Romance The obscure 1980s novel that unlocks the key to emotionally and psychologically sophisticated science fiction.
Tangled Fantasies: Speculative Anti-Imperialism and the Myth of Internal Resistance in S.A. Corey’s The Mercy of Gods Is modern science fiction's indulging in escapism rationalizing our own complicities?